Visión yMisión
de Santos Apóstoles

Holy Apostles Church
Iglesia Santos Apóstoles
7 Austin St. Rochester, NY 14606
Telephone: 585-254-7170 Fax: 585-254-5813

Welcome, and thank you for visiting Holy Apostles Church online. Our parish offers a wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities for all. Come in for a visit! We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor!
Fr. Tony Mugavero

Holy Apostles Vision & Mission
Holy Apostles is a Church of hope where we invite all people into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. We are a vibrant Catholic parish family of sinners called to be saints who rejoice in our Faith, celebrate our God-given diversity, serve our neighbors, are unconditionally pro-life and are sent out to share the Love of Our Lord!
The purpose of Holy Apostles is to make saints out of sinners.
Holy Apostles parish… where sinners are welcomed and apostles are made!

Our weekend Masses are as Follows:
Saturday 4:00 PM English
Sunday 9:30 AM English
11:30 AM Spanish
Our Daily masses will be as follows: All our Masses will also be Live-streamed here on our web page and on our Facebook page Holy Apostles Church Rochester, NY.
Tuesday thru Friday: 12:10 pm English
Tuesday: 7 pm Spanish

Mass Intentions for week of 3/25/2025 thru 3/30/2025
All weekday Masses will be at 12:10pm
Mass on Tuesday evening at 7pm - Spanish
Mass Intentions for the week
12:10pm - Tues 3/25 - Communion Service
7pm - Tues 3/25 - Spanish - Servicio de Comunión
12:10pm – Wed 3/26 -
12:10pm – Thu 3/27 -
12:10pm – Fri 3/28 -
4pm - Sat 3/29 -
9:30am - Sun 3/30 -
11:30am - Sun 3/30 - Spanish -
Note: if interested in Mass Intentions for a loved one (living or deceased) - please call the Rectory
(585) 254 - 7170 or send an email to rholyapo@dor.org
Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament for all Pro-Life Concerns
Friday - February 2, 2024 -
Chaplet of Divine Mercy